100 Abandoned Houses Project

A passion that I have had for a good while now.
Abandoned Houses….well mostly anything abandoned. Hospitals. Drains. Labs. Military Bases.

The 100 Abandoned Houses project  are photographs of exactly that, Abandoned houses. Taken in an area called Brush Park on the outskirts of Detroit’s entertainment district. I read that there are actually around 12,000 abandoned houses in Detroit, these are simply a small handful of them.

I think they’re beautiful.

100 Abandoned Houses


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4 responses to “100 Abandoned Houses Project

  1. I love detroit. You don’t even know how much. If you can be bothered looking through my blog to find it, or google detroit and my blog.. you’ll find a couple good doco’s.
    I’m gonna try and head there at the end of the year.

    • Yeah? thats awesome! I’ll check it out for sure! Yeah there is some sort of sad beauty about these pictures and Detroit in general i recon. ooo usa triip eh! take toby, he wants to go ha.

  2. They are beautiful photos and houses.. Its a dream of mine to travel to Detroit and photograph them myself on day. Thanks for sharing them


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